22 July 2013

Cornwallis Military Museum Agenda
Monday, July 22, 2013 - 1830hrs



Gordon Magee            President
Ken Ilnitski                 Vice President
Pete Nordland             Past President
Doug Moore
Lorraine Herlt
Wally Herlt
Dorthy Steward
Florence Courtney
Lynn Nordland
Karl White
Florence Courtney
Nancy Chisholm
Bev Mosher
Garr Briltz 


Archie Hood               Treasurer
Bob Klassen
Alex Morrison 

1.  Approval of Agenda - Moved by Doug Moore and seconded by Ken Ilnitski.  All were in favour.  Motion approved.  Additions to the agenda are:

a.  Cadet visits;
b.  Cadet Questionnaire;
c.  Chronicle Herald; and
d.  September Watch schedule.

 2.  Approval of minutes of June 10, 2013 meeting - Moved by Doug Moore and seconded by Lynn Nordland.  Motion approved.

 3. Business Arising from the minutes

a.  Summer Student: 

(1)  The president addressed some confusion as to who the summer student takes orders from. The student expressed concerned regarding who his supervisor was.  He explained that Lorraine (curator) (under the terms of this job) is his supervisor and in turn then responsible to the President.  He assured the committee that they will work together if required to handle any arising issues. 

(b)  Schedule change:  Lorraine Herlt moved that the Museum schedule be altered and that the work day for her and Wally will be Monday; and the student (Zach) in from 12:30pm until 7:30pm. Doug Moore seconds. Motion carried.

(c)  Summer Student Dress Code:  There were complaints from committee members regarding the students dress and that it was not appropriate attire for the professional environment.  The president spoke to the student and report that Zach once he gets paid will buy some pants that fit him properly.  He has been directed that he can wear short, however no cut offs and preferably a plain colour.  The President will type out a dress code and give a copy to him.   

 b.  Cadet Visit: There was discussion on weather purchased items were leaving the museum in our provided bags.  It is our current policy for them to leave in a bag, however the student was not aware. He will be informed and this will be corrected.

 c.  Air planes on property: It will not likely be until the end of August until the move takes place to Ontario.  It will be a costly venture estimated at 25k. They have asked us to provided thoughts on 8 to 10 workers staying here for the duration of move.  President will ask at the cabins and possibly the Mountain Gap Inn.  Question: What about ABCC? they haven't be contacted yet, maybe if we need to we will.  

 d.  Cadet questionnaire: Our current questionnaire has 14 questions and there seems to be not enough time to get them all done.  The president suggested it be reduced.

 e. Battle of the Atlantic service: Doug Moore asked if we are going to continue to have a dinner and if so who will be responsible?  Each year attendance has gone down. It was suggested to why not have it at the community centre?  The candlelight ceremony was explained by Doug that permission was granted to use this "candlelight ceremony" but we have to adapt to our way and not copy theirs in its' entirety. The ceremony would be carried out just prior to starting dinner.  It was decided to carry on with this ceremony and Doug has been working with Ken and can get the flags.  Ken added that it is a great idea and adds to the ceremony, and 70th year.  Doug Moore will act as MC for this ceremony.  We will look primarily for Sailor's only to take part however realize that this may not be possible and other people may have to be used.  Bev recommends we publicize really early (i.e. papers, radio, flyers, website). This will ensure we get more people coming out .  Doug Moore moves to carry out this ceremony for the next Battle of the Atlantic, Peter Nordland seconds.  Motion Carried.  Doug Moore moves that we purchase 24 mini white Ensign flags.  Florence Courtney seconds.  Motion carried.  Note:  Ken may see about getting them donated.

 f.   Certificate:  Safe Food Handling course certificates were presented to Florence, Dorothy and Garrett.  Congratulations!

 g.  The building repair was completed under budget.  Everything looks good. Bev offered that her neighbour is willing to help out with jobs in the future.

 h.  Fund raiser: The distributed tickets do not say where or when for the event.  This will be fixed for next time, we will just right the date and time on them as they are given out.  Bev reported that Dorothy Rodgers came up with a good idea for a fundraiser to have a roast beef supper. We have a cooking person, free of charge.  We could sell 48 tickets at $15 a ticket and desserts will be auctioned off. Bev has received good comments so far. We will have the dinner September 7th at 5pm. 

 i. Cadet for the museum:  This is a no go for this year.  There are various policies currently in place that are preventing this from happening (i.e. people working with them would require police checks and have a supervisor, etc.) Reminder that record keeping, including nominal rolls must be done in order to get paid at end of summer from HMCS Acadia

 j.  Reminder to all that all correspondence must be cc'd to the president or copied and given to him.

 4.  Correspondence: Email read from President:  Attached.  Note:  It was reinforced that membership has to be kept up and followed through on. 

 5.  Treasurers' report:  The president printed RBC report.  (attached)  The President moves to accept report as distributed, Peter Nordland seconds. Motion carried.

 6.  Committee reports:

 Public Relations:  will do whatever she can to promote the museum and support it.  We will have some media coverage at 10am on Friday.  They are coming to do an article and take a few pictures.  We need people to come and support and be here and around to promote.

 Maintenance.  Going well, very nice people to work with. See report.

 Membership - Peter Nordland moved and Doug Moore seconds that the President take over the duties of the membership committee.  Motion carried.

 Curator - Reported on the story board and they are continuing to work on the museum (see report).  They will require someone occasionally to take care of the uniforms. It was decided that the student will take over this responsibility.  A nice donation of items for the alter was donated and a letter of thanks will be done up and sent to the donor. Report attached.

 7.  Items from the floor

 Web Site:  Doug reported that there is no "updated" spot on the web page. The president  reported that Cory said once revised, we will have a news section and updates can be found in there.  There was some discussion regarding the web site especially the first page and that is a bit boring. This service is free and we will continue to work to make things more positive.

 Social - reports that the breakfast went well and things are going good.

 Meeting times:  This was discussed especially that the shifting of the dates is difficult for some.  Doug Moore moved and Lorraine Herlt seconds that the meetings will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month.  Motion carried (with the understanding that exceptions will occasionally happen).

 HMCS Acadia:  Ken informed all that the final graduation parade will be held on the 15th of August starting at 1830 hrs.

 Next meeting: scheduled for September 9, 2013 at 1830hrs.

 Adjournment:  Doug Moore moved to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 2005hrs.

This site was created by Corey Forman with assistance from Douglas Moore, CYS, RCN/CF RET’D.