10 March 2015

The Cornwallis Military Museum
Tuesday March 10th 2015 – 10.00hrs
ABCC Conference room


Gordon Magee President
Lorraine Herlt Acting Secretary
Peter Nordland
Doug Moore
Shawn Oliver
Bob Klassen
Florence Courtney
Dorothy Stewart

Regrets: Ken Ilnitski Vice President
Bev Mosher Treasurer
George Dowler
Wally Herlt
Marilyn Oliver

Approval of the Agenda– Peter Nordland moved to approve agenda, seconded by Shawn Oliver - all were in favour.

Approval of Minutes –Doug Moore moved to accept the minutes of February 10th 2015, seconded by Lynn Nordland - all were in favour. MOTION CARRIED

President’s Report: NIL

Vice President’s Report: By email - Ken Ilnitski noted that he would not be submitting his name for the Position of President but would be willing to remain as Vice President.

Treasurer’s Report: Bev Mosher

Was not available but reported that:

  • Gift shop invoice payments were completed
  • Contacted CRA re ‘end of year’ waiting for information pending on updating documentation from the museum.
  • Documentation will be in order for the AGM in April, 2015.


  • An email (14 Feb, 2015) from Doc Halliday in reference to an invoice. – Lorraine Herlt has contacted him and the matter is being reviewed.
    An email (March 8, 2015) from Peter Townsend regarding the 30th Anniversary of the SSNA/ADPNA (South Shore/Admiral Desmond Piers Naval Association). A Reunion will be held in Cornwallis NS on the 17, 18, 19 September, 2015. The Reunion is open to any shipmate from across the country who would like to attend. Non-Navy friends are welcome.
  • A Registered letter (26 Feb 2016) was sent on behalf of the Museum Board to P.K. Construction in reference to the CT133 Silver Star. A request was made for the outstanding balance due on the contract and conditions were outlined for a course of action by the purchaser. If these conditions are not met by the end of 30days the board shall consider the signed agreement by both parties null and void and the board shall be free to remarket the aircraft. Letter on file

Business arising from the Minutes

  • Breakfast: Gordon Magee recapped the decision made at February’s meeting. It was decided that volunteers at the breakfast would pay a reduced rate of $2.00 or make a donation. The next breakfast will be the second Saturday in April.
  • The AGM will be on April 21st and serve as the April meeting.
  • Building Insurance: Gordon referred to the February 10th, 2015 meeting where it was noted that Negotiations with Fairway Insurance resulted in a $2,000 reduction in premiums. He thanked Ken Ilnitski and Peter Nordland for assisting him in this matter.
  • Alarm Panel: Lynn Nordland moved that the existing panel should not be replaced or upgraded. Seconded by Shawn all were in favour – MOTION CARRIED
  • Doug Moore moved that previous motion should be tabled until the Fire Chief and Fairway Insurance are consulted re adequacy of present safety protocol. – Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. Seconded by Pete Nordland. All were in favour – MOTION CARRIED. ACTION Gordon Magee will follow up on this matter.


Maintenance: No report
Public relations – No report
Membership: Doug Moore reported

  • There are 80 Life members 31 annual members, two notices were sent for dues with poor response.
  • We went from 52 Annual Members to 31.
  • 111 Life and annual members paid to date.


  • The article for the Cornwallis Villager has been submitted.

Gift shop: No Report
Volunteer Coordinator: No Report
Webpage: No report

Social: Bev Mosher reported that we can apply for a license to sell 50/50 tickets to be drawn at the Battle of the Atlantic. The license is free she requested approval to have ticket printed. Doug Moore moved Bev Mosher be given approval to order 50/50 tickets, Seconded by Shawn Oliver – All were in favour – Motion Carried

By-Laws: Doug Moore noted that he will not be available as the By-Law Coordinator after the AGM.

HMCS Acadia Museum: No Report


Battle of the Atlantic: Peter Nordland reported that he was drafting letters and invitations to Federal and Provincial Governments and Legions representation for the Ceremony. He wondered if the Community Centre would be available and the cost of catering the function as our previous caterers had retired. This was followed by a discussion relating to the numbers of attendees and who would be available to do programmes, setup etc. It was mentioned that Lottie Trimper caters and that the cost would be from $17 to $19. This would require the price of dinner tickets to be raised to cover expenses. It was noted that the numbers had dwindled from over 100 attendees to about 40 at the last dinner due to people moving, growing older etc.

After extensive discussion Doug Moore moved that the Battle of the Atlantic Dinner on Saturday May 2nd be cancelled and we focus on the Sunday May 3rd. Service followed by refreshments. Seconded by Peter Nordland. All were in favour. Motion Carried

Padre- Gordon Magee will confirm that Padre Nathan Watterman will be available.

Invitations - Peter will send invitations.

Programs - Doug will print programs.

Museum Clean up -Will be at 10am on 30th April 2015.

Set up Wreaths – Doug/Wally

Refreshments – Bev Mosher

Items from the floor

Date of next meeting: Tuesday April 21st, 2015 at 10am in the Annapolis Basin Centre Headquarters (old Officers Mess) Conference Room (upstairs). This will be the Annual General Meeting

Adjournment: Motion to adjourn made by Doug Moore. The meeting was adjourned at 12.00hrs.

Submitted by

Lorraine Herlt
Acting Secretary

To Do list
Battle of the Atlantic –
Cadets and Colour Party?

Invitations- Peter
Programs – Doug
Refreshments – Bev
Clean-up - Lorraine

This site was created by Corey Forman with assistance from Douglas Moore, CYS, RCN/CF RET’D.