12 May 2015

The Cornwallis Military Museum
Tuesday, May 12th 2015 – 10.00hrs
ABCC Conference room


Gordon Magee President
Ken Ilnitski Vice President
Lorraine Herlt Acting Secretary
Bev Mosher Treasurer
Doug Moore
Wally Herlt
Shawn Oliver
Winna Smith


George Dowler
Florence Courtney

Approval of the Agenda – W. Herlt moved to approve agenda of May 12th 2015, seconded by S. Oliver - all were in favour. MOTION CARRIED

Approval of Minutes – Errors and omissions - Corp was changed to Corps, Bev Mosher amended $37,484.29 to $37,483.69 on the 2014-3015 financial statement. W. Smith moved to accept the minutes of April 21st,2014 as amended, seconded by B.Mosher - all were in favour. MOTION CARRIED


President’s Report: G. Magee thanked everybody for their contribution to the Battle of the Atlantic Ceremony. The combined Legions Colour Party, the HMCS Cornwallis Sea Cadets, Peter Nordland and Doug Moore for making everything run smoothly. Also many thanks to those who provided the refreshments. The future of the Battle of the Atlantic Dinner will be discussed later in the Agenda.

Vice President’s and HMCS Acadia Museum Report:

  • K. Ilnitski reported that he had attended the Battle of the Atlantic Ceremony, which included the spreading the ashes of 26 deceased Sailors, aboard the HMCS Halifax. It was a moving ceremony.
  • HMCS Acadia has had many new appointments and the museum members hope to continue their long association with the Cadets.
  • 2016-2017 will be the Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Centennial Year, further information is pending.

Treasurer’s Report: B. Mosher Reported:

At the request of the Secretary B. Mosher supplied a breakdown of fixed expenses:

Museum Operating Costs:

Tel: $ 293.00
Power $1,509.22
Oil: $ 300.00
Moneris: $ 464.40
Insurance: $1,749.00
Bank Charges: $ 285.73

TOTAL $4,506.17

This does not include variable expenses such as the Gift Shop and Maintenance.
A copy of expenses was provided to the HMCS Acadia Museum representative for further consideration.

The 50/50 draw resulted in a $325 credit for the museum. A very happy Heather Gesner won $325.


  • Three emails were relating to membership were received.

Business arising from the Minutes

  1. G. Magee noted that when cadets visited the museum during the summer many do not realize there is a Gift Shop in the museum resulting in unhappy Cadets. After some discussion it was decided to request the Cadet administration put the information on their Visit to the Cornwallis Museum Schedule. – K. Ilnitski will action.
  2. B. Mosher will arrange the next 50/50 draw which will start when the museum opens and the draw date will be at the Tea and Sale in October.
  3. The Battle of the Atlantic Dinner – The Cornwallis Cadet Corp Commander has expressed an interest in hosting future Battle of the Atlantic Dinners. After some discussion it was agreed that due to a shortage of museum volunteers that the Cadet Corps would assume hosting the dinner. They have a broader base of volunteers.
    MOTION: B Mosher moved that the HMCS Cornwallis Cadet Corps assume responsibility for the Battle of the Atlantic Dinner. Seconded by Ken Ilnitski – All were in favour. Motion Carried.
  4. Insurance Requirements: G. Magee checked with the company that insures Cornwallis Military Museum and reported that the museum meets all requirements for coverage.


Maintenance: Wally Herlt reported:

  • He changed the light bulb in the furnace room.
  • A tender will be put out for lawn maintenance in concert with the Community Centre.

Public relations –No report

Membership:-No report

Curator:-Lorraine Herlt reported that she continues to work on digitising photographs and work will not proceed in the Museum until they return from Ontario 1 June, 2015

Gift shop:-Marilyn Oliver reported:

  • The gift shop was cleaned and merchandise displayed for the Battle of the Atlantic. 
  • There is a good bit of stock on hand due to the smaller than expected Cornwallis Reunion attendance. Other items are being replenished.
  • Thanks to Lorraine Herlt for her assistance.

The Gift Shop Report is attached.

Volunteer Coordinator: No Report

Webpage: L. Herlt reported that C. Forman has created email addresses for all committee members. She will notify each person of their password. She suggested that if they were not comfortable using the museum email that they info their museum account whenever they conduct business for the museum. This will leave a record for incoming members.

G. Magee has requested a “President’s Corner” on the web site. This will give him a forum to share Museum events and concerns.

Social and Fundraising: Bev Mosher reported:

A new 50/50 draw will be available by July 1st, 2015.

By-Laws: Doug Moore offered to assist Shawn Oliver in any matters relating to the by-laws.

HMCS Acadia Museum: Already covered


  1. Gardens – L Herlt noted that the gardener had told her that he did not know much about pruning roses. W. Smith volunteered to prune the roses and tend the garden. W. Herlt suggested that she call for volunteers if they require assistance. Thank you Winna.
  2. Newsletter – D. Moore noted that the Newsletter was sent to 73 email address.
  3. Battle of the Atlantic – .D. Moore requested (curator) that uniformed manikins be alined at either side of the centre aisle during the Ceremony. The curator had no objections to this request
  4. Monthly meeting: G. Magee discussed the requirements for meeting during the off season. A large portion of the board and executive are not available to attend meetings during the winter. It was suggestedthatmeetings during the months of December, January, February and March be held electronically if required. S. Oliver will check to see if this will affect the By-Laws.

MOTION: B. Mosher moved that monthly meeting during the months of December, January, February and March MOTION CARRIED.be held electronically if required. Seconded by W. Smith – all were in favour.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday June 9th, 2015 at 10am in the Annapolis Basin Conference Centre Headquarters (old Officers Mess) Conference Room.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 12.00hrs.

This site was created by Corey Forman with assistance from Douglas Moore, CYS, RCN/CF RET’D.